Threat Inteliigence / OSINT / NETSEC / NATSEC

Squeezing out IoC juice - methodical analysis of network infrastructure.

One of the most common problems faced by CTI analysts is the use of collected data to discover further elements of hostile activity, i.e. the so-called "pivoting". Simply put, pivoting consists in discovering other artifacts such as IP addresses or malware samples through the common points of contact of both elements. In the case of malware, this can […]

YARA rules! - about YARA rules and writing them.

In the post about finding information about malware samples in open sources, I briefly mentioned the use of YARA rules and described the basics of using them in the context of HybridAnalysis. However, this tool is important and universal in the work of a CTI analyst, incident responder or threat hunter, that it is definitely worth devoting a separate [...]

Hunting - putting CTI to work

On I have already devoted a lot of space to OSINT and threat intelligence. We must not forget, however, that the interview in its various forms is primarily a supporting function. It supports decision-making, incident response and detection of malicious activity. And threat hunting is an activity that one way or another must in its [...]

Hunting for implants - OSINT malware analysis

I started to write a post about malware analysis in the context of OSINT and threat intelligence for a long time. It is one of the most widely used sources of information and a common goal of analyst research, but at the same time a technically complex issue. If we are talking about advanced static analysis (of the file itself) and dynamic (observing the behavior of the file after running), it is [...]
