Threat Inteliigence / OSINT / NETSEC / NATSEC

Take to the skies with OSINT - open source air traffic tracking

I have been observing airplanes for a long time, the natural direction of OSINT's interests was therefore sources of information allowing for live tracking of airplanes routes. Currently, such tracking is possible mainly due to the spread of the Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) system, in which aircraft determine their position using navigation [...]

CyberPolice - REvil 1: 0 - on the risks of being a ransomware operator

Washington Post journalists published yesterday an article about the end of activities by the REvil group as a result of an action carried out by the American Cyber Command - the command of cyber forces. Curbing the actions of REvil is certainly good news for everyone - criminals are responsible, for example, for ransomware attacks on Kaseye or JBS and poisoned the lives of many [...]

What is OSINT

Intelligence analysis, satellite image analysis, SIGINT, IMINT - these terms are usually associated with the activities of state intelligence agencies with enormous budgets, a technique ahead of products available to the public for many years and secret knowledge obtained by intelligence officers. However, recent years have brought a real revolution in terms of access to data once available only [...]

Few words of introduction

I have been interested in the issues of security, access to information and intelligence for a long time. I've always been fascinated by the very idea of secret information - the fact that knowledge on a given topic can be so valuable and important to the operation of a company, national or personal security that it must be protected, and at the same time there are groups prepared to dedicate significant resources to get access to it. Not surprisingly I very much followed how development of the Internet enabled access to vast volumes of data. At the same time, use of the Internet simultaneously enabled collaboration of teams scattered around the world and threatened the security of information with remote, unauthorized access to it.
