Threat Inteliigence / OSINT / NETSEC / NATSEC

Trump Administration's Cyber Command and CISA and Russian Operations

In recent days, the world has been shaken by an argument in the Oval Office between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky, which may indicate a radical change in the direction of US policy towards Ukraine. But while a sharp exchange of words does not always have to translate into the outcome of negotiations, journalists report that two disturbing changes have already occurred in the cyber sphere. […]

France and its doctrine of cyber operations - offensive actions

The state's approach to activities in cyberspace is a river topic and a subject of discussion both on the political and academic level. It is all the more interesting how different countries develop their doctrines and face, for example, the problem of how to react to incidents, how to treat those whose source is criminal activity, and how [...]

MSS - Ministry of State Security and its cyber activities

In the previous post, we dealt with the intelligence activity of the People's Liberation Army and how the reforms of the armed forces are aimed at improving their functioning in this field. This time we will focus on an agency dealing with typically intelligence tasks - the Ministry of State Security (国家 安全 部, MSS). To begin with a brief historical outline, the modern organization of the MSS is [...]

PLA on the cyber front - Chinese armed forces and cyber operations

One of the biggest challenges of threat intelligence is determining the intent of attackers. It is not always possible, but if we have to face such a challenge, it is helpful to understand the context of attackers' activities and the organization in which they operate. So in the next posts we will look at one of the main players on the cyber scene - [...]

Keyboard strike - cyber anti-terrorist operations

In the previous post, we looked at how terrorist groups use social media to support their activities, and this time we will look at how the intelligence and military services can use the Internet to carry out anti-terrorist activities. As I indicated previously, terrorism is prosecuted and fought with all the power of the state apparatus, including in [...]

A brief look at cyber operations in the context of hostilities

Recent related events clearly show the intentions of the Kremlin, which decided to invade Ukraine, potentially threatening the entire territory of the state. In the context of military operations, there is often talk of the role of cyber operations as supporting or even replacing kinetic operations. Especially the latter use awakens the imagination - the media and commentators point out [...]
